Abbotsford Early Years

Investing in beginnings, growing positive futures

Abbotsford Early Years is designed to connect parents, caregivers and service providers in Abbotsford with tools and resources to support families of young children.

We provide information on parenting, early childhood resources, referrals, and developmental screening. Abbotsford Early Years also offers numerous programs, including StrongStart, drop-ins and parenting supports.

The Early Years Centre is located at the Sweeney Neighbourhood Centre at 33355 Bevan Avenue, Abbotsford. Please Visit or Email the Centre, Check this website calendar, or our Facebook/Instagram page for the current schedule.

Hello Abbotsford,

Dive into the enchanting world of Maui at our Early Years Movie Day and Information Fair!

Join us for a 'Moana screening and treat your little ones to a day of adventure and laughter. Before enjoying the movie, caregivers can explore our Community Information Fair, where valuable resources for early childhood services will be available. This event is FREE for families/caregivers with children from birth to 8 years old. Due to limited seating, all attendees are required to register with a ticket. Secure your spot today for a day of family-friendly fun and learning! Click on the Eventbrite link below to register.

Holidays and Closures in December 2024

check the calendar of events for different programs and events to attend

Here is a quick peek at our programming during the school year

Stay tuned for announcements on additional early years programming and please check our calendar at for updates

Hello Abbotsford, We are thrilled to announce that we have planned a busy and exciting new school year, filled with various amazing programs and events.

We would love for you to help us spread the word. Please feel free to share our upcoming events with your friends and families. Your support in promoting these events will greatly contribute to their success and ensure we reach as many community members as possible.

Please see our calendar HERE for dates, times and locations.

Follow us on:

Facebook @abbyearlyyears, Instagram @abbyearlyyears, Twitter @abbyearlyyears1 and Eventbrite @Abbotsford Early Years Centre

The Abbotsford Early Years Centre is open daily, to help connect parents and caregivers to early years resources.


Just B4 is a new initiative of the Ministry of Education and Child Care to introduce preschool to 4-year-old children who will be starting Kindergarten in the following September. Just B4 will provide opportunities for children to engage in lots of activities, spend time outdoors and socialize with peers. This program does not run during school breaks including Christmas, Spring Break, Summer Break or Professional Development Days. The program is 2, 3 or 5 days per week, 2.5 hours daily.

Two locations are currently offering the Just B4 program:


Godson Elementary
33130 Bevan Ave, Abbotsford BC V2S 1T6, Ph: 604.616.5409/604-853-8384

Dormick Park Elementary
32161 Dormick Ave, Abbotsford BC V2T 1J6,Ph: 604.217.5365/604-859-3712

Nature Thursday 2024/2025

​Nature Thursday is an Outdoor StrongStart session where we invite you to build your friendship with nature.

Learn More

All Programs and Centres - CLOSED

All Early learning programs and StrongStart centres will be closed for Pro-D Days on Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th, 2024.

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Go Play Outside

Go Play Outside uses play's power to connect the community through accessible arts, heritage, culture, and recreation programming.

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